
") .multiply(1000) .add(300); BigDecimal cost = BigDecimal.ZERO; if ((isTitleMatch && !isTrailer && !StringUtils.isBlank(contentDescription)) || (isTitleMatch && isTrailer && !StringUtils.isBlank(contentDescription))) { cost = cost.add(_cost.add(new BigDecimal(2000))); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(contentDescription)) { cost = cost.add(BigDecimal.valueOf((contentDescription.length() / 100 * 50))); } return cost.longValue();}private static boolean hasTrailer(String mediaTitle) { return !StringUtils.isBlank(mediaTitle);}private static boolean matchesTitle(String inputTitle, String mediaTitle) { return mediaTitle.toLowerCase().contains(inputTitle.toLowerCase());}```Summary: The method calculates a cost based on various factors such as whether the input title matches the media title, if there is a trailer, and the length of the content description. It also uses BigDecimal to accurately calculate the cost. The method takes in the input title and media title as parameters.
